Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Carrick Hill

Another adventure with Nan/Mum

 The owners of Carrick Hill both came from rich families, they were given 100acres of land as a wedding present...they travelled to England on their honeymoon and visited a mansion that was having a sale, they bought paneling and staircases and fireplaces and then had it all shipped to Australia and asked the architect to build their house around these items.
 While hubby went to war wifey worked on the garden...

 It was a sad story, they never had any children and the lady collected cradles ( a little creepy) they were all over the house with flowers in them. Because they didn't have kids they gave the house, land and everything in it to the South Australian Government.

Toby loved it! (See his face of excitement below) When we were on the tour of the house he kept interrupting the tour guide with squeals and talking. (He can get very loud!)

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