Saturday, February 2, 2008

Auz day weekend dramas...

Okay so catch up time again....

hmmm so Chad and I headed to camp last Friday the 25th at 3:00pm...

We didn't make it there till 8:00pm... Why I hear you ask? As Bridport is only an hour away...

Here's the story-
3:00- Head back to Honey's to pick up Danika as she needed a lift to work

3:30 - Head to town so Chad could do some shopping

4:30 - Head to maccas (Danika's Work) have some dinner

5:00 - Head to Bridport

5:45 - On our way to Bridport when...
Hmmm What's that mysterious ticking noise??
Quite Catchy...Not over here .... Not over here....
Oooh there's Camilla....STOP.... STOP!

aaaah RESCUED!

7:00- Arrive at My Pad in Bridport...hmm Where's my Stereo gone??....hmmm thats weird ...okay where's all my Jewellery gone...Oh NO!!!

7:10- Call Simon "Simon i've been robbed" sob sob

7:40 - Police arrive to conduct thorough investigation

8:00- Arrive at camp...FINALLY

1 comment:

The Kings said...

That sure was a dramatic day. Sorry you were broken into. We had that happen once and it is awful thinking some stranger has been in your things.