After finding Oliver in the playroom and NOT in bed with tubes everywhere we figured it was pretty much time to ask the IMPORTANT questions...
"Simone...where's the DESSERT?"
Luckily Simone understood the gravity of the situation and had thrown the dessert in the car on the way out the door for good measure...THATS MY SISTER!! WOOHOO
Crisis Averted!!
Generation Z...Oliver gives Jess a quick lesson on how to get the most usage out of her iphone...
Then we head home for some yummy dessert...
It was TOPS thanks Simone!
And in all seriousness we're glad Oliver is okay;)
Ten Years Ago...
I will post an embarassing pic at some stage, hopefully a long time down the track when everyone has finished viewing this post and no-one will see it!!
Five years ago...
"Dear Collette,
How the heck are you? It's been five years - What have you done? By now you better be married if not you suck! Get out there have a make over and find a man! You better still be playing basketball with Esther. If you're married, wow congratulations. I hope you're happy! hmmm...Still going strong at church? Been Good? Whats everyone else up to? Got your own house yet? Good car? Money? Whatever just smile cause i'm sure you ROCK. Hope the family is well! Funny when you write these you never know what you'll wanna read! Anyways bye bye future self,
Love Collette
p.s Is Mark Dowe still hot?"
hahahahahha what a crack up...I had high expectations hey...
Five months ago...according to my journal
Five things on my to do list...
Five bad habbits...
Five places I’ve lived...
Five things people may not know about me...
Five people I tag...