Sunday, March 8, 2009


Woohoo!! The day FINALLY arrived...I'd never been to the Rod Laver Arena before and was just excited to be in the same place Federa was not THAT long ago:)Jessica and I lined up to get our Coldplay t-shirts and buttons...The lights...the music...AMAZING....When they started singing 'yellow' all the lights went yellow and HUNDREDS of yellow beach balls came down from the roof!! You could punch them around the Arena but if you hit them too hard they would pop and they were filled with little yellow bits of paper that would go everywhere!!One of my favourite songs on the new album is 'Strawberry Swing' so I took a photo during the song:) At one point in the show the band walked up through the crowd and started singing songs REALLY close to where we were was SWEET...
See here is Jess and that's coldplay in the spotlight! HOW CLOSE IS THAT!!During their song 'Lovers in Japan' millions of paper butterflys came down from the roof...I took LOTS of pics...

But they don't look as good as what it actually looked like...(Just Iphone pics)

Here's the back of our t-shirts...

Looking a bit tired!The next day we awoke EARLY and headed to the's the first time in ages that Jess and I have been able to go together! It was FANTASTIC...

hmm don't look tired AT ALL do we??


The Kings said...

Oh wow!!! how cool is that! The concert sounds awesome. You guys did look very tired - bet it was worth it though.

Elle said...

I think it's funny that in the same post you are a massive concert and then... your at the temple.. hahah

The concert looks AWESOME!!!! Photo's obvioulsy don't do it any justice and because of that I can see that it must have been SO SO awesome!!!!!! (just so you know packed to the rafters was good.... but obviously you got the better deal!!) haha

melandpeter said... jealous, the concert looked amazing. Loved the pics with your explanations. Good desriptions Collette I reckon.
You and Jess look like you're at the stage where you're so tired, your eyes sting and you can barely keep em open...:-)

Chelsea Parsons said...

ahhhhhhh, love coldplay!

Nettie's Blog said...

WOW ...that concert looked fantabulously the bestest ...i would have loved it...I went to see The Cure with Chelsea at the Melbourne Tennis Centre (a few years ago admittedly) and apart from being too near the four 10 footspeakers... it was the atmosphere i loved...but you did it the right way around.... from that to the Temple ...i am with Elle..two opposite ends of the pole...miss ya girl...way down there in the south...send me an email with the "up....dates" love ya

Jess said...

loving the really ug(i)ly pictures of ME .. ew!!! loved COLPLDAY THOUGH!! ARHHH