Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Life as a Hobartian...

Howdy all...Collette here ...aka Hobartian...aka Brighton Bogan...remember me? hm it's been a while!! News just in!! I got my brains back!! Yup check it more trashy blonde regrowth...woohoo...sorry fellas;)
Okay what's good about Hobart?...



Oh I know!! I got to go back a day later than everyone else up north cause they have this thing called REGATTA DAY! ...
One slight problem...the Hobart YSA reps decided that the BEST way to spend a public holiday was to kidnap us all and hold us captive for...'8 hours on a boat'...
So the next question is...
What the HECK do you DO for '8 hours on a boat?'
Here I am... Captain Collette...with NO boating experience at all...I was a PRO!
"Swab the decks ye mangy land lovers" ...Lucky I'd practised my pirate accent at my birthday came in handy!
and no I didn't just sit there and pose for the photo's I WAS actually driving...
Here's me plotting a course to get us safely home...
Adam...aka spud...aka picnic...aka random WA ysa we met at convention decided to join us in Tassie for a week...
We showed him the THREE all TIME favourite things to do as a YSA in Hobart...

No. 1...Drive up the mountain and tell frieky stories...

No. 2...Go to HOGSBREATH and order a Stake with DOUBLE curly fries and NO salad;)
No. 3...Attend a rip roaring boogie blasting dorky dance at the local stake centre...

Here is Adam and I doing the "shoop shoop" part of the "shoop shoop" know the one..."if you wanna know if he loves you so..." etc.

Pres Menzie supplied bow ties for the guys to wear at the dance...unfortunately Pres Menzie has enough bow ties to wear a different one EVERY day of the year...and we have enough boys to...well ...we just don't...have the chicks got in on the action too...some pretty spiffy bow ties if you ask me!!

So...that's it... my life as a Hobartian thus far...stay tuned for the next EXCITING episode...


The Kings said...

Oh yay!!! A post from the Hobartian!!! We miss you up here. Hope school is going well and life is great.

Nettie's Blog said...

when I get back from Brissy next week, do ya wanna play squash one night? I feel so bad I havent really seen you yet!

Nettie's Blog said...

um, that was chels on netties account!

Country/City Boy said...

Glad to see your still having fun.

Hope your liking your new school

Camilla Mitchell said...

Welcome to being a Hobartian!!!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Love the pirate in you..suits you! Glad you're having fun. Miss you up here tho

Elle said...

WOOOOOOoooooo!! Loved the blogging Collette!! Your hair looks GREAT!!!

yep.. hobart...... rocks??? hmm..yeah I know... it doesnt!

fifi said...

What are you talking about ELLE?!?! I'm in Hobart of course it rocks. Nice use of my pics semi-col doll. Can't wait for our next girl night :)

The Kings said...

LOL - I'm cracking up here - thinking that Annette was dedicated going to drive all the way to Hobart to play squash!!

Sisters of the East Presidency said...

Hey Collette, good to see you're fitting into the Hobart scene. Miss ya xx