Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Once upon a time...

Once upon a time...around 3 weeks ago...a young HOT single beautiful stunning girl travelled to Melbourne to visit her fat pregnant sister... When she arrived she did lots of cool things like visit her amazingly talented, cool, can make cous cous salad and carrot and leek soup, Aunty Sandra...
She also got to spend time with her awesome cousin and family...

She enjoyed having photo shoots with her pregnant sister, where she was obviously cracking REALLY funny jokes that resulted in many double chin pictures...

The sun was shining and the birds were singing...

This sweet young talented girl also got to attend the temple with her sister...which was, of course, amazing...

Unfortunately the pregnant younger sister was too lazy to blog about their amazing experiences together and so held her beautiful older sister at gun point until she did it...which is why this story is well past it's time...
Luckily all is not lost, and now FACEBOOK HATER mumsy...and the blog stalking community can rest easy knowing that this story will live on forever in blog world.
The End.
(Can you get the NAPLAN marking onto that one ma?)
I NEARLY DIED TODAY! well not really but my villa nearly burnt down...I arrived home to find my place full of smoke and my microwave running...heating up had obviously been going for AGES because the door had melted with the heat! ...How it wasn't a light i DONT know....anyway I unplugged it from the wall JUST in the nick of time...and have sent it in for inspection...THANKS LG for nearly ruining my life! It just turned itself on! it must have been going for hours! What if that had happened at night time!!! DODGEY!!

The real End.


The Kings said...

Great blog post! :)
Glad you didn't die today. That is pretty scary.

Essie said...

Woooooooooooahhhhhhh, that is REALLY scary Collette! Crazy crazy. Maybe the ghostie living in your place turned it on... ooooooooooooooooh.

Jess said...

YOU said, put the photo's on facebook so that I can blog about it SO I left it for you. Its your own fault if it hasn't been blogged for so long,-- p.s: I'm pretty sure I STILL weigh less than you at 40wks preggas so whose the fatty now huh?!
poo poo head.

P.p.s: MUM you should really start leaving comments because looking at our blogs and not commenting is being major STALKER like.

the end.

Jess said...

Oh and I'm glad you didn't die..

Lisa Helen said...

I'd better comment so I'm not a stalker too.....Cool weekend and Lucky you didn't die :)

Ashley Ashbee said...

You and your family are so cute! It looks like you were all having a lot of fun... It must be so exciting to know you will be an auntie!

melandpeter said...

ahahahaha Jess. "Oh, and I'm glad you didn't die." You wouldn't believe it but comments like that make me miss you!
Oh, this is sposed to be about Collette! He he he.

Love ya Collette! xx

Nettie's Blog said...

oh my goodness..... Are you sueing LG??? they should replace that MW with a new one and update to the top of the range model at that...just threaten if they dont come to the party!!!!!