Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day 2: Naples/Pompeii/Capri

Day 2 was by far our busiest day...we decided (ok I decided) to head south to Naples, and because this wasn't a short trip, fit as MUCH in as we could in the area. We took a fast train from the Rome station at 7:00 in the morning and got to Naples at 8:30am. Just a tip for those planning on travelling to Italy, it pays to book your fast train tickets online before you go (saved us HEAPS of time)...and it also pays to check how much 'first class' is before settling for 'second'. Even though the difference isn't that big in terms of comfort (the train is nice and new wherever you sit)... it was a cool experience travelling down to Naples in 'first class' because we checked and it worked out that the ticket was cheaper than a second class one on that particular day. :) We arrived at Pompeii around nine and spent a couple of hours exploring the ruins of the city.

 It was amazing to think that all this existed so long ago, and was preserved because it was covered by the Volcanic eruption.

 This was the sports field with a swimming pool in the middle...
 ...and the mini version of a colosseum

 Thanks to some tips and our Lonely Planet guide, we heard that Naples had the best pizza in Italy! So once we'd finished at Pompeii we headed back into Naples to hunt down 'Da Michele' reportedly the best pizza in Naples...and therefore the best Pizza in Italy.
When we arrived there were HEAPS of people waiting around had to take a ticket (a bit like the deli at the supermarket) and wait till your number was called. Unfortunately the guy would come out and call the numbers in Italian, Hayden and I only knew up to 'three' and our number was '75'...we were in a bit of trouble! After waiting for ages and seeing no progress in the line (did I say line? I meant bunch of people waiting...there are no lines in Italy!) we decided to be brave and go and ask if we could get takeaway...
 Our bravery paid off and we found a step to sit on and enjoy the most amazing pizza ever!
 Flat base...loaded with delicious tomato based sauce, bazil and double mozerella... you had to fold the pieces to eat them and it wasn't stiff and thick like our aussie pizzas. It was so tasty!
 After eating on the run we dashed to the wharf to find a fast ferry to take us to the Isle of Capri. This is where the Italian rich and famous come to play during their summer holidays....
 Once we arrived we jumped on a smaller boat to take us on a tour around the island so that we could catch a climpse of the Blue Grotto...
 The water is SO blue...and such a bright blue...that it reflects up onto the Stalactites up in the caves of the cliff..

It was a big squeeze to finish the tour around the island and make it back to the last fast ferry back to Naples...but we did it! Then in order to get back to the train station to catch our fast train back to Rome we did the bravest thing ever!...
...Got in a taxi in Naples...
It was seriously SO fun! They have NO care...and just drive like maniacs...i'm talking crossing four lanes of packed traffic in the space of 5 meters in about 3 seconds to get us from one street into the train station...awesome!
We made it back to Rome and collapsed from exhaustion! Having fit all of that adventure into one day!


Jess said...

I believe it is something like settantacinque... not that hard to count Italian really. Also, nice picture in front of the cave that looks like you've been photoshopped in..

Simone Triffitt said...

Im loving these travel posts. :)

Lisa Helen said...

The pizza looks delicious!! What a huge day- looking forward to the next one!

Nettie's Blog said...

i am saving my pension to go on that was wheel chair friendly right????...loving the piucs collie XXXXX