...Shopping and Chadstone...This is Fiona and I with our Bored faces on (Waiting for Jess to stop shopping in some bogan shop)
...so whilst waiting it was photoshoot time...
Bastian didn't want to play...
no smiles...so it was time to mock the sad look...
Especially the choc-coated custard filled ones!!! Babby Bobby looks so darn cute!!
Looks like you're having lots of fun in Melbourne! Loving reading all your recent blogs. Give Jess a hug for me and Bastian a snuggle. I'll get to give him snuggles in person soon enough :-)
great trip for all you guys...can you believe Krispy Creme's has gone into recievership????
Love that Bastian.... you can sure tell he was inpressed by his Aunty's babysitting..!!!!(i hope you gave him a bite of that Krispy Creme donut when Jess wasnt watching??...thats waht Aunty's do i am told!!!))
Looks like a great weekend, love those photos with Bastian. I love it how you've called it Krusty Kreme :)
all I hear is blah blah blah baby, blah blah blah oh & jess... what just as a side thought.. I was the one who had to drive him all the way to the temple!
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