Thursday, July 24, 2008


Okay so for those of you that don't know the Gibson Girls have this weird reliance on FOOD for happiness...
Reflecting back on this video our food disease is the only explanation...
If you want to keep a Gibbo Girl Happy then feed them!!
On the day of mums Cradle mountain escape, we arose quite early and by the time we'd finished at the spa we were heading into nearly 5hours without food, this is the DANGER ZONE...
Of course after such a low, once our belly's are full, you will find we all hit a HIGH... This High on this particular day just happened to coincide with us being bored silly hanging out near a 70's couch.
Mum comes in through the double doors (You can see at the back of the video) and asks if we are ready to go...being so short we could only see her head and us being on a HIGH this was suddenly the most HILARIOUS thing we had seen...
...This HILARITY gave us an idea...oooh oooh lets do the elevator and escalator's the result...
We are clever aren't we?


Simone Triffitt said...

The vid is a bit dark to capture exactly how hyper everyone was. I was too full to participate!

Collette said...

yeah but its just so random! that in itself proves we were on a high! Full of baby??

Jess said...

haha. it seemed heaps funnier when wed eaten ourselves silly.