Sunday, November 23, 2008

Brad's Farewell

We don't have many YSA in Tassie...and although it's under happy circumstances that we farewell Whitty...we will all certainly miss him....especially his playstation...teehee...
...Dale is taking it harder than most...

Brad had a farewell party Saturday night and these pics are JUST for you Mel;)

Half way through the night Brad decided we all needed to go out and play the "Three steps" game...i'm not sure if that's the right name but basically it involves two people walking up to some randoms front of them has a bag on their head ... the other rings the doorbell and runs off...once the doorbell has rung the one with the bag on their head removes it and has "three steps" to hide in.
Yep only three... You could end up on the lawn looking like a might be lucky enough to find a wall or bush to hide behind... could be skillful like Whitty and manage to hide under a car...
...Of course all of this hiding is in vain if the person has a dog that can sniff you out...right Dale? haha...

Back to Guitar Hero... World tour...

Brad rocking out to Metallica on Expert...this is HARDCORE!

Thanks for all the good times Brad...Best of luck to you and Steph!
As a side note...Check this out...

Jonty needs to hurry up and get bigger so he can save his big brother from certain doom!
Yes that is a dress...and.... yes.... that is a pink crayon!


The Kings said...

Interesting game! :) Sad that Brad is leaving - pity that they couldn't live down here.
Poor Oliver - he definitely needed another brother hey! Hurry up and get bigger Jonty!

Simone Triffitt said...

And you can't see in that photo that Oliver has one of his toenails painted!!

Chelsea Parsons said...

so cool that you guys get together and do stuff like this! Although not sure about the dumb 3 steps game! Id freak! Who does the drum/guitar kareoke kit belong to? hope Brad aint taking it with him!!! Who was the tennis with in the last post? The oponent didnt have big enough hair to be Haydon! Not that Im mocking H's hair!!! Love H's hair!