Monday, November 3, 2008

The Witching hour...

hmm so what to do on the REAL Halloween?
Lets see what the East ward Reliefsociety sisters are up to...Hmm Lets see how we feel about being involved in this activity....Yes yes we did have to 'eat out' in a public...with other 'normal people' around trying to have a quiet evening meal....Crazy stuff...enough to drive anyone to do crazy things...Saturday Oliver and I went to get a supply of meat from Longford (the meat works is really cheap and good)
The only reason Oliver came is because he wanted to continue playing busy bee on the iphone
...they are inseperable when he comes around...
...he doesn't like the level with the 'bad man' so i'm pretty sure he just played level 1 for eight hours on Saturday...
...Jessica spent 3 months coming up with a 'self portrait' exhibition for her exam...
...Here is Oliver's Iphone effort...

I think he wins;)


Simone Triffitt said...

Oh yes what a natural he is. He would have loved the fact there was no time limit to his playing on the phone. We have to set the oven timer for the Nintendo.

melandpeter said...

What in the heck are you eating? It looks like a poo? I guess it was Halloween!!

Jess said...
