Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Fiona's 25th!!!!

Fiona turned 25 on Sunday, so on her birthday eve a few of us got together to celebrate...there was present opening... Pina Colada drinking... (Minus the rum mum...calm down!)

..dropping Fraz off at the bus stop so he could go to HIS party for the night... (We had to drop him off a tad early for the bus, hence the sad destitute look)
...There were sheep...
...and a bike ride...

...involving the toughest bikey gang to hit cliffton..EVER!
...concerts on the mandolin...
...and a beautiful, scrumptious dinner by candlelight (Because of earth hour, not cause it was romantic or anything)
Happy Birthday Fiona!!! Looking forward to your puurrrrfect body after using my AMAZING present! ;)


Elle said...

Ha ha Loving the fashion show... and the steak with a spoon.. BUT, of course the birthday post tops it all off... it's a shame you didn't get a picture of the dog... I seriously wanted to die!!! LOL that camera app is AWESOME!!

Nettie's Blog said...

should have visited my Sarah if you were in Clifton Beach ...she lives there....Happy birthday Fiona...
loving the survival packs ...have to invest myself...our old 42 hour packs are a bit outdated....thanks for sharing Collie dog.
i have been having cuddles too with Will ...such a cuie i agree...he poohed all over my lap today...wnt all theough his pants and nappy...he he very honored am i so his mum says....